Palm Sunday Service April 2nd @ 8:30am & 10:30am Praise, Prayers and Classic Scripture readings. Join us for the Triumphal Return of Our KING!
Holy Thursday Evening Service April 6th @ 7:00pm We are hosting a Christian Seder Meal - which is a symbolic service (not full meal) of the Jewish faith, re-created to model our Christian faith. Come celebrate the Last Supper as Jesus shared it!
Good Friday Evening Service April 9th @ 7pm The 'Prayer of Nails' is a form of the Tenebrae service- using Scriptures, silence and candlelight to confront our own struggles and prepare for Easter morning.
Easter Sunday Services 7am- A Sunrise Service followed by Breakfast! 10:30am- Rise with Our Christ and find VICTORY with Him- in classic elements of song and praise!!
Bright Sunday Worship Service April 16th @ 8:30 & 10:30 am A historic (but not forgotten) celebration of Love, Life and LAUGHTER! The origin of April Fools Day, this Sunday- people are encouraged to wear BRIGHT clothing, as we celebrate laughter, joy and the JOKE that Christ has played on Death!